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Expanding our services – Working together with the plan member

In January 2022, 3sHealth’s Claims Payment Officers started working with plan members to help them apply for Canada Pension Plan (CPP) disability benefits.

Previously, plan members going through the disability claim process would apply for these benefits by themselves. Now, with this process improvement, the Claims Payment Officer works together with the plan member to fill out the forms and submits the application to CPP on their behalf.

During the disability claim process, 3sHealth already gathers a lot of the same information needed for the CPP application. With the plan member’s consent, 3sHealth copies their relevant medical information to send to CPP. Providing this extra support to plan members makes the process easier and reduces the need for an additional physician visit to complete a medical report.

Both plan members and employees welcome the new process. Plan members appreciate the additional support they are receiving from the Claims Payment Officers. 3sHealth’s employees value the new process because they know they are making a difference for plan members.

3sHealth Employee Benefits strives every day to improve the plan member experience.

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