News & Publications
2022-23 Employee Benefit Plans annual report released
Aug 25, 2023
Categories: About Us, Employee Benefits, News, Publications
3sHealth is pleased to introduce the Employee Benefit Plans (EBP) annual report.

Building on last year’s first-ever EBP annual report, the 2022-23 publication shines a spotlight on the Board of Trustees’ goals and achievements for the past year. Topics featured in the report include messages from the Board of Trustees Chair and 3sHealth’s Chief Executive Officer, an overview of the employee benefit plans, financial highlights, and the EBP team’s service metrics for the year.
This reporting mechanism delivers on the EBP Board of Trustees duty to communicate to beneficiaries on the management of the trusts’ assets. This also reflects 3sHealth’s dedication to transparency and best practices for public agency reporting in Saskatchewan.
If you have questions about your benefit plan, please call 3sHealth at 1.866.278.2301 or email