News & Publications
Benefit enrollment timing change
Jun 05, 2024
Categories: AIMS Project, Employee Benefits

A new way of doing business in the health sector means a small adjustment in benefit plan timing.
The transition to the Administrative Information Management System (AIMS) has necessitated an alignment in the frequency of benefit eligibility measurements with the new system. Previously done every week, this timing will be switched to every second week, aligning with the frequency of the bi-weekly payroll cycle. This is necessary because AIMS will now be generating the eligibility requirement hours that are used to determine if a plan member qualifies for coverage.
Because newly eligible plan members will now be updated with Canada Life every second week, this may result in a week lag between when a member reaches their eligibility date and Canada Life receives the information needed to support health and dental claims. This may mean a slight delay in when new members are able to submit claims, but does not impact the date of their enrollment or when coverage begins. There will be no impact on when other changes, such as adding or removing dependents or terminations from the plan, will be sent to Canada Life.
If you have questions about your benefit plan, call 3sHealth at 1.866.278.2301 or email